Thursday, December 22, 2011


So, as some of you have heard, I am home from my Qatari Adventure. I got home about a week ago, just in time to be involved in all the last minute preparations for Christmas. While most are really excited that I am home and back in the good ole US of A, you are also asking how long I am stateside and what my next plans are! Well, the first question is easy…I’m here for good…no current plans to return to Qatar (or go anywhere else!) anytime soon.

While I loved living in Doha, Qatar, the job that I went to do turned out to be very different from what I was actually asked to do. I wanted to go to Qatar to gain experience doing certain tasks and be in a role that turned out to be very different than what they had in mind for my position there. I fought hard to make it into what I had hoped and could tolerate, but in the end I was unable to convince them to change their ways and mindset. Unfortunately, as much as I wanted this experience to work out and last for two years, I couldn’t continue to endure some of the things that were going on. I won’t go into too many details in this public forum, but invite me out for chai/drinks and I’ll spill the beans. Just know that I am a strong woman that doesn’t give up on things easily and I believe this proved to be both my greatest asset and my biggest downfall while in Qatar. I still gained a lot of great experience, and learned a ton about business (especially international) and even more about myself. I met a bunch of really great people that I hope to turn into lifelong friends and be able to travel the world to see them in their home countries someday.

So, what’s next you ask? I’m not entirely sure. While I would love to continue to pursue my dream of baking and providing high quality sweets/desserts to people, I’m not sure if I can do this immediately. I do think that I need to stick close to family for now though, so while a quick trip to the DC area is planned, I think I’ll be settling in CA at least for the short term. If you know of any great opportunities that I should pursue, please let me know!
I recently posted on my FaceBook page the quote, “I know not what the future holds, but I know who holds the future.” I am living that quote right now. I am enjoying the time I have with my family and friends this Christmas and New Year’s season. I am praying that God will show me how this fresh start is going to lead me to wonderful things that I just don’t see quite yet. I’m confident that whatever is next will be just another adventure that will teach me a bunch of lessons in life.

With Love,